8 Fascinating Facts about our Favourite Food Pizza!

By: Shahid

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1. Pizza Was Originally Square

Pizza was originally square, not round, and made from traditional flatbread in Italy.

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2. You can visit a pizza museum

The Museum of Pizza in Philadelphia boasts the world's largest collection of pizza-related memorabilia.

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3. Pizza Is Over 500 Years Old

Pizza has been enjoyed for over 500 years, originating as a simple and inexpensive street food in Naples.

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4. Pizza has been delivered in space

In 2001, a pizza was delivered to the International Space Station for Russian astronaut Yuri Usachov.

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5. Maths Theorem

There's a math theorem named after pizza, called the "pizza theorem," related to disk partitioning in geometry.

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6. The Hawaiian pizza is actually from Canada

Contrary to popular belief, Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada, not Hawaii.

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7. The Biggest Pizza Ever

The largest pizza ever made, over 1,200 square meters in size, was recorded in Los Angeles in January 2023.

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8. Margherita pizza was named after Queen Margherita


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